Does anyone else love Donald Miller? I recently finished reading his book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and I want to read it again and again so I don't forget it. Here's a quick overview: After a film crew tried to turn his life/book into a movie, Donald Miller began to examine what it takes to make a good Story. He writes about living your life like a good story... He says it involves pushing characters forward through tough situations, dealing with tragedy, moving way far out of comfort zones, and takes place in memorable settings, among other things.
So, I've kind of been trying to look at my life as if through the lens of a video camera. I've still got a long way to go to make it movie worthy....I need to work through a lot of my deep-rooted issues and take some big risks and try something hard that I would normally tell myself I could never do. But, on the upside... thinking of living my life like a good Story gives me some comfort when I begin to doubt and worry about living here in Honduras. When I wonder if I'm wasting my time. When I fear that I'll never settle down, or that I'm pursuing something empty instead of going back and getting serious.
When those kinds of thoughts arise, and believe me it's not uncommon, I'm just going to make myself remember that a good Story or a really great movie was never about someone seeking the easy or comfortable or conflict-free way. Or, as Don would say, no one would want to watch a movie about a guy who spent his life working for a Volvo and finally got one, testing the windshield wipers as he drives away at the end.