Monday, February 21, 2011

Why English is Crazy and So Tricky to Explain....

  • Because "mature" is not pronounced like "nature"
  • "Busy" is pronounced "/bizzy/"
  • Because words like "honor" and "homage" have a silent 'h', but "home" and "hold" don't.
  • "I", "eye", "ay"
  • There, their, they're
  • and why on earth are there so many ways to spell ketchup?
I'm just glad this is my first language.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's a car!

It's an overcast Saturday morning. The kind that makes it hard to get moving. So far I'm a batch of pancakes, a cup of coffee, and one internet sermon into my day. Later I'll be heading out in the new car with Daniel up to the school to help out with an alumni soccer event they're having, while Daniel spends a few hours practicing with the worship team at the church.

So, yes, my newest news is that I bought a car here in Tegucigalpa!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A little cacti in my life...

It's been an interesting week or so, full of fun and friends and teaching and my new student teacher. As I imported some of my recent photos, I noticed a cactus trend that I thought I'd share with you. My adorable boyfriend made me some awesome decorations to use in my classroom as we embark on a western-theme. I haven't put everything up yet, but they include some "wanted" posters, a cowboy with a lasso, horse shoes, and a super cute cactus, which I incorporated into the facts and opinions bulletin board you can see in the background below:

This weekend, after an unsatisfying trip to the bathing-suit-maker's store (after 3 visits, and weeks after they said they'd be finished, they still are not finished. Viva Honduras.), and after a delightful lunch with friends and amazing food, we passed by a nursery where I picked up these little beauties, which I have since named Jude, Jezebel, and Job. I'm praying I don't kill them like the several failed attempts in college. (Rachel... I hope this makes you smile.)

Friday, February 04, 2011

Friday News

1) I have a student teacher!
After a day's delay due to all that alleged snow in the north, Kelley arrived safely and has spent two days in 3C with me and my wild things. It is unnerving and yet feels slightly natural having her there. I'm excited about what this means for the next few months of teaching. Already her help has been amazing. Today I left school almost all caught up--something that hasn't happened on a Friday afternoon in a long time.

2) Something I've been happy about in the classroom lately is how well my kids are responding to a kid's book I really enjoy: The Thing About Georgie, a fun chapter book about a 4th grade boy who is a dwarf, struggling with the fact that he'll never be a musician like his parents and fearful that the new, normal-sized baby on the way will be.

3) Pray for Honduras. Think Mexico City and Man on Fire and you'll have an idea of what has been going on around here lately. Nearly every day my students' prayer requests relate to some kid or another (or adult, actually) who has been kidnapped. Praise the Lord that one 15 year old in San Pedro Sula made it home this week! In our latest staff meeting we learned that the climate of our school's families is one of fear. Our kids are the kinds of kids targeted, and many of them are terrified. It makes me feel ill just thinking of the possibility of something like this happening to one of my own.

4) These verses from Jeremiah chapter 9 spoke to me this week. Hmm... reading it again after writing the above makes me think about them together. What do you think?

v. 23-24.....This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,"