So much of today was just perfect. Beginning with my morning jog--the weather was nice. I passed many of the gorgeous, flowering, purple trees that are blooming now. I saw a beautiful family including a dad and two sons dressed in khakis and the typical latino gauzy white button-up tops with a mom dressed to the nines. It all just made me really happy.
I had decided sometime this week that I wanted to go see the murals by José Clemente Orozco. He's a pretty well known Mexican artist who has some works in GDL. This morning I checked out my guidebook and discovered that they are in a building which I have passed unknowingly at least half a dozen times. For some reason I always thought they were in another part of town. So, I gathered a couple of willing girls and we went to check them out.
(Another thing that made today perfect was getting directions to the downtown area from all-knowing Rachel. Thanks to her, we took a quick bus and a nice trainride straight to where we needed to be. It was faster and much more enjoyable than the alternative bus route.)
The murals are in a building called the Instituto Cultural Cabañas, which was formarly an orphanage and some other things as well I think. The entrance fee (for teachers/students) was a whopping 5 pesos, or about $.50 The murals were in the main cathedral entrance area. They are pretty magnificant. Photos-unfortunately-really do no justice to murals. We caught up with a tour, and that was helpful in identifying some of the subjects of his paintings and learning a little about Orozco's life. He lost his left hand. Was very influenced/changed after the Revolution. His murals depicted a lot of his political ideals, most of which were lost on me since I have a very basic knowledge of Mexican history.
The Instituto Cultural Cabañas also had another gallery area, with many styles of paintings and sculptures. I really had been craving a good art fix, and I feel like I got one today.
We went in search of more murals at the Governor's Palace. Never made it (they weren't open) but we did encounter a tent with artisan vendors from all over this area. In another plaza there was some kind of plant-selling festival going on. Jenny bought a turtle (from the one non-plant vendor).
The weather stayed perfectly mild, which was a welcome break from the midday heat we've been experiencing lately. All in all, a lovely day. I am inspired to research some more about Mexican artists. Right now on my list are Orozco and Gerardo Murillo, who called himself Dr. Atl.
The main ceiling. A little like the "Creation of Adam" with the oustretched hands, ey?
wow! they look incredible. I am glad you had fun!